Conference Highlights
Clips from Filmmaker, Gordon S. Williams
BEAUMONT’S BLACK HISTORY: IN MOVING PICTURES The history of Beaumont’s Black community has been introduced to audiences across the globe via content created by the faculty, students, staff, and alumni of the Lamar University Department of Communication and Media. Through a historical fiction short film about the 1943 Beaumont Race Riot and a documentary about the oldest neighborhood in Beaumont, viewers have gained insight via the visual medium that never existed previously about African Americans in Southeast Texas. “Beaumont’s Black History – In Moving Pictures” has been presented at several universities in the state of Texas. In February 2023, “The Example” and “They Will Talk About Us: The Charlton-Pollard Story were screened at Lamar University, Prairie View A&M University, Stephen F. Austin University as a part of the “Robert Maxwell Lecturer” series, and Sam Houston State University. Beaumont Community Players, a non-profit base performance organization, hosted the presentation at their venue with the aim of creating a space for healthy dialogue about the city’s history and race relations. Booking Beaumont’s Black History: In Moving Pictures To learn how you can schedule a screening of these projects at your institution, contact Gordon S. Williams at or call (281) 593-9683.